Browsing Month: March 2014

Tips for Caregivers of the Elderly

Caregiving can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. Occupational therapist Lesley Garcia shares a few tips: 1. A sense of humor goes a long way When you’re having a tough day and nothing is going right, imagine you’re the star of a comedy sitcom. Stop and look around at what’s happening to you and […]

What is Tamarind Good For?

It’s a condiment. It’s a spice. No, it’s a bean. The “Manila sweet,” as the tamarind is sometimes called, is all of the above. Tamarind or ‘tambran’ as it is affectionately called in Trini parlance, is a natural food of South Asia and is said to be native to Africa. It melodic name comes from […]

Ergogenic Aids: Behind the Boost

Nutritionist Ms. Yvonne Batson, who teaches Nutrition & Dietetics at U.W.I., recently invited WellnessConnect’s Robert Taylor to speak to her students on the use of ergogenic aids. Robert has over 20 years experience in weight training, and has competed at the national level in bodybuilding — without the use of illegal substances. We thought ergogenic aids […]

What is Broccoli Good For?

The word “broccoli” means “branch” or “arm” for the cross-shaped stems, like mini trees bearing the blossoms. Broccoli was a popular food of the ancient Romans, and its use can be traced to 16th century France and England in the 1700s. Eaten raw, broccoli has a number of nutritional elements. It’s important to note that […]