Our Team

Who are we?

We are passionate about health and wellness, and enjoy using our skills and experience to promote and encourage others to be their best selves — whether it be to get healthy and fit, or to promote their wellness business. We love what we do, and want to help you achieve your wellness goals.


Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor is the co-owner of New Wave Wellness Consultants. He is a UK-trained Level 4 Strength and Conditioning Coach and Level 4 Certified Nutrition Coach.

Robert has various sporting and fitness accomplishments to his name in several mainstream sports. He has been a fitness enthusiast for the past 20 years, and a wellness advocate for over 10 years.

He has a wealth of experience in managing Corporate Wellness Programmes, which is complemented by a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

Sacha Fortuné

Sacha Fortuné is the owner of Fortunink, a digital branding and marketing agency. She is the published author of several novels, creative writing in the form of short stories and poems, as well as many articles on health, wellness and other topics.

She has a Master's Degree in International Journalism from the University of Westminster and a Bachelor's Degree in Media & Cultural Studies from the University of Lancaster, both in the United Kingdom.

More information and her portfolio can be found on her website: www.sachafortune.com


The WellnessConnect Team

One of our core values is flexibility, and our workforce represents this. Our WellnessConnect family is a team of part-time employees, freelancers and contributors comprising of:

  • Web designers
  • Graphic designers
  • Writers
  • Copy editors
  • Content managers
  • Researchers
  • Advertising representatives
  • Photographers
  • Media producers
  • Marketing professionals
  • Administrative personnel

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please contact us.