3 Bad Habits Fit People Don’t Have

Fitness is a lifestyle — and you have to commit. Here are the top three things that just won’t work if you want to be a “fit” person.

1. “I only work out when I feel like it.”

Exercise can boost your energy and improve your circulation. If working out after work is touch-and-go, try hitting the gym or going for a run early in the morning. You’ll be amazed at how much more focused you are during the day.

2. “Weekends don’t count.”

Yes, a cheat day can help your overall program, but there are limits. Instead of relaxing by binge-watching CSI, take a bike tour of your neighborhood or a jog around the block. Being fit and active will open up new weekend activities and help keep you on track to your weekday fitness goals.

3. “My friends are couch potatoes.”

Be the catalyst of change in your group. If your friends are chubby, chances are you will be, too. Instead of going out for drinks, play a game of football or cricket, or join an aerobics class. Friends that get fit together stay together!

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