Nutrition Tips: Empower Your Health!

In this issue of WellnessConnect, we had the pleasure to interview nutritionist, health coach and personal trainer Mweia Elias of Empower Nutrition.
Here are a few of her tried-and-tested tips for healthy nutrition…


1. Fibre for weight loss
Peas add fibre

Eating 1 cup of peas or beans gives you about half of your daily fibre needs, and fills you up so you can stay full longer.

Plus they are cheap!

Have it as a snack, add them to salads, blend into a dip, make a soup, or just have it as a side to any meal.

2. Enjoy fruit… but not too much

Eat 2-3 servings of fruit daily. Try enjoying it sprinkled with ground flaxseed or coconut flakes, or with ½ cup non-fat yogurt or cottage cheese to make it into a well-balanced snack.

3. Make your own meal replacement

Blend up 1 cup fruit, 1 cup skim or almond milk, 6 ounces plain greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed with a cup of ice.

Use this as a nutritious, energising replacement for breakfast or dinner.

Spice it up with cinnamon, nutmeg, molasses, wheat germ, green superfood powders, cocoa, or even coffee!

4. Fight sugar cravings
Sweet veggies

Eating a serving or 2 of cooked sweet vegetables with your meal can help satisfy your sweet tooth and decrease you cravings for sugar.

Try roasting up a tray of sweet vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, butternut squash, red onions, and parsnips. Yummy!

5. Add in some super powers

 Add some superfoods into your daily diet to give yourself a natural nutrition boost. Try raw cocoa, goji berries, cold-pressed coconut oil, chia seeds, sesame seeds, quinoa, kale, beets, avocado, turmeric, or green tea.

6. Spice things up
Spices add antioxidants

Use generous amounts of herbs and spices in your cooking and smoothies.

They are concentrated in powerful antioxidants, healing anti-inflammatories, fat burning nutrients.

Try brewing up a batch of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon tea, or adding lots of oregano, rosemary, and parsley to your veggie dip.



Information provided to WellnessConnect courtesy Source:
Empower Nutrition


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