Brent’s Tips for the Fitness Professional

Brent Elder is a Level 3 Registered Exercise Professional. Here are some of Brent’s tips for current and potential fitness professionals. If you are interested in hiring a fitness professional, these are some of the qualities you should look for.

Collect Data

If there is no data collected, then how can someone know if he/she is improving? At the start of the relationship, you should at least measure body fat, lung function, and blood pressure, as well as body dimensions.

Be Punctual, Be Professional

If you are punctual, your client will respect this and be punctual as well — and if not, ask yourself if you really want to keep a client that does not respect your profession, your time and your other engagements.Watch your body language — lack of interest, cockiness, and having your focus elsewhere: these are all visible.

Make the Connection

Rather than simply barking at a client to ‘do this, do that’, you should impart knowledge as you train, thereby empowering the client to understand his or her own body. This will be beneficial to the learning experience on both sides, and gain better results in a shorter time frame.

Have a plan – no surprises!

It is best to lay out a structured plan from the onset of engaging a client, and then adjust to suit. The client should be able to mentally prepare for the task at hand.

Know your worth

Like any profession, you must know what you are worth. Don’t be afraid to deserve better, to ask for more, and to demand respect for yourself as a professional.

Keep Seeking Knowledge

Attend continuing education courses; add further qualifications to your résumé. Go to conferences and workshops, do your research — keep on top of your game. You have a responsibility to stay sharp so that you can keep offering a better service to your clients.


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