Nature Trekkers: Going Beyond Expectations

“Some people come to fall in love…”

Various paths have led his faithful to him — whether one is seeking a good lime, a fitness challenge, a stress-less wind-down, or merely the opportunity to step out of the ordinary and meet new people.

Locals and foreigners alike have sought out his expertise to lead them on a journey that is not only a physical trek but an educational tour of the history of Trinidad and Tobago.

Emile’s Story

While accompanying a friend on his first hike in 1995, a 22-mile walk from Matelot to Blanchisseuse, Emile became curious about all the places he passed, places that he had never known existed.

He began hiking more often, but was disappointed that many hikes were only geared at enjoyment or fitness.

“There was no education, just ‘Hello, good morning, we are here to hike’,” Emile explains.

I’ve fallen back in love with my country

Intrigued, he soon began to do his own research to find out the meanings of place names, and the history of the trails that were once used for mainstream thoroughfare before our country became as industrialised as we know it today.

Like many other Trinidadians, Emile had often dreamt of leaving and had even tried several times — until this point.

“Through hiking, I got to know the history of Trinidad. I’ve fallen back in love with my country,” he admits. “It has changed my life.”

Nature Trekkers: The Difference

Realising the unexplored niche that existed in Trinidad, Emile left his job in the oil industry after 22 years of service to follow his passion – offering hikes which incorporate both fitness and education. In 2007, Nature Trekkers became a reality, and he has never looked back.

Emile is a Certified and Licensed Tour Operator, having undergone a rigorous seven-month course — and he is happy to provide those credentials. He also has credentials in Water Safety, First Aid, and above all Wilderness First Aid.

“You’re in the forest, so the whole aspect is to work without amenities — operating on a person at night, how to improvise in case of snake bite — using common sense to treat with a situation,” he explains. On every hike, he carries empty chicken-mash feed bags – which, attached to two sturdy sticks, can easily become a neck brace or a stretcher if someone is unable to walk on their own strength. Luckily, he has never had to use them yet (knock on wood!).

He attributes his successful safety record to his own precautions.

Firstly, unlike some other hiking groups, he never takes large groups at a time – a maximum of 20 persons is the norm. This is manageable, and by keeping the groups small, he is also able to provide life jackets for river hikes.

Safety is of paramount importance

Nature Trekkers hikes are also insured. Emile has invested in medical insurance to protect all of his clients against any unfortunate circumstance on the trail; and in the event that medical care is needed, he will be able to alert a private care facility so that they will be prepared to receive the injured person upon arrival.

Safety is of paramount importance to Emile. He always positions himself at good vantage points to ensure that he can respond immediately. Also, when everyone is enjoying the cool waters, he never bathes – vigilance is key.

Your Connection

Emile makes it a point to make Nature Trekkers as accessible as possible.

You can book hikes on his website,, on which he has posted a significant amount of information to ensure that the user is well informed before making a decision. It is also very easy to pay through the bank with his information to wire the funds — and, if need be, Emile is flexible enough to meet his clients.

He also has an account on Facebook, but has found that his most effective means of communication is email – he ensures that his mailing list is apprised of upcoming events on a weekly basis. He will also meet with a group as a hike approaches, to answer any questions and give tips to prepare them. He will also meet with groups before the hike, in order to answer questions and give them tips in preparation.

A typical month at Nature Trekkers contains two easy hikes, one tough, and one moderate — so there’s a wide array of choice and availability for any interested persons. Emile welcomes young and old — and notes that some of his most dedicated clientele fall within the age range of 70 and up – they many times opt for the more challenging hikes!


Going Beyond Expectations

Nevertheless, hikes should not be considered “fitness only”.

“Often, you see people looking stressed out at the beginning of the hike, but by the end of the hike their face has totally changed,” he says.

“The mere act of being away from the everyday, taking a deep breath and filling your lungs with fresh oxygen, or drinking the pure stream water flowing through the mountains — all of this contributes significantly to one’s emotional wellness.”

There is also an aspect of mental wellness.

In the wilderness you always have to be thinking

“In a gym, when fatigue sets in, you come off of a machine, but in the wilderness you always have to be thinking,” he explains.

“Your mind is always working and you never know how the next step is going to be.”

Enamoured with his passion for hiking and his love for Trinidad, Emile does not see an end in the near future. He is currently training for the Reggae Marathon in Jamaica later this year, and has no intention of slowing down soon.

“Once I have that breath and strength in me, I will keep at it,” he declares.

Recently, he was a guest on a talk show on 91.1FM, which turned into his inaugural radio debut — by the end of the session on hiking and historical Trinbago, the half-hour had rolled into an hour, and the producers were offering him a regular Friday afternoon spot.

“Going beyond expectations” is the mantra of his business, and Emile never disappoints.

Emile can be contacted at (868) 389-7441. You can also visit his website

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