Quick Guide to Shaping Up

A little bit here, a little bit there… we all have our “little” goals to get a better body in a short timeframe. Here are a few pointers:

1. Eat little and often

Nibble throughout the day, rather than full hearty meals which slow your metabolism down.

2. Eat more protein

This helps your body to feel fuller for longer and is essential for repairing the body after exercise and in sculpting your shape.

3. Hydration is key

If your body lacks water, it cannot transport food or convert it into essential energy. Aim for two litres a day.

4. Pre-workout meal

Three hours before, eat a small meal combining protein and good carbohydrates. Two hours before, consume a protein bar or shake. One hour before, top up with a small snack e.g. almonds and a banana.

5. Post-workout meal

Chicken, fish, eggs, whey protein, soy protein, oatmeal, brown rice, grains such as quinoa, vegetables and fruit are great for replenishing.

6. Work the big muscle groups

This will help you burn more calories. Do squats and lunges for legs; cable flies and TRX chest presses for the trunk; wide-grip, pull-ups and seated rowing for the back.

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