Tips for Caregivers of the Elderly

Caregiving can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. Occupational therapist Lesley Garcia shares a few tips:

1. A sense of humor goes a long way

Laughter is the best medicine

When you’re having a tough day and nothing is going right, imagine you’re the star of a comedy sitcom.

Stop and look around at what’s happening to you and imagine the laugh track going! Soon you’ll be laughing too.

Life is too short not to see the funny side!

2. Perfection isn’t necessary

For example, when caring for an elderly person with dementia it can be hard to get them in the exact outfit you want them to go out wearing.

Some people like to wear their favourite clothes over and over even though they may not be the most appropriate.

Ask yourself is it worth a battle or is it something you can choose to let go this day.

3. Proper footwear is a must!

Proper footwear IS worth stressing over

The only thing that is worth stressing out over in clothing is proper footwear. The right shoes can make a difference in safe mobility and a fall.

Good shoes have a low heel, non-skid soles, a roomy toe-box and some sort of strap or back holding onto the heel.

4. Take care of yourself, too

Caring for the elderly can be more stressful and tiring than we want to admit. Remember to take some time for yourself. If you can’t get a day to yourself get a morning.

Even if it’s an hour to tidy up your home or watch your favorite TV show or 30 minutes to walk around the park, it’s vital to your long-term health to take time for you too.


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