Watchwords of the ‘Road Safety Junkie’

Eric Kipps, a self-labelled “Road Safety Junkie”, is the Co-director of JARIC Environmental Safety and Health Services, and he is one of the leading defensive driving instructors in the Caribbean. Here are his watchwords to stay safe on the road:

Choice, Common Sense & Consequences

Always remember the three C’s: Choice, Common Sense and Consequences.

If you are going to drive at 120 km/hr, that is a choice you make.

You have to understand that the road could be wet – common sense, and then you also have to know that there are consequences. For every 20km/hr that your speed increases over 80km/hr, you double your chances of getting killed.

Anticipate (and Slow Down!)

The faster you are going, the greater the chance that you may not be aware of your surroundings and therefore cannot react in time to avoid another vehicle.

Learn Defensive Driving

Take a defensive driving course from a qualified instructor. It is your own responsibility. Do your part to keep the nation’s roads safe.


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